THEA THOT: Avoid cunning clients esp if they are JAMAICAN!

I learnt a valuable lesson from a person I thought was my friend until he became my client:
HERE GOES::: A wolf once cried out for anyone to help him pull a bone from his throat with promise to deliver a huge reward. One deggae scrawny crane came to his help. “Open your mouth wide so I can pull the bone out he told the wolf. He then asked the relieved wolf for his reward and the wolf replied “What reward you greedy crane.. you had your head in my mouth and I left you unharmed…
LIKE the crane I’ll depart happy to have helped a fellow Jamaican, but I’ve learnt my lessons about picking clients and serving them with even more caution.
A word I leave to fellow creative persons.. some people are better left alone in their problems because they amount to nothing more than cunning wolves and without sheep clothing..pretending to be your friend!

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... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here

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